At Elite Dental Adelaide we offer affordable full and partial dentures for patients that will look and feel like real teeth. Our proven cost-effective denture options will restore the appearance of your smile.
Dentures can be complicated, that’s why we have compiled handy a list of FAQs about Dentures. If you can’t find an answer to your question below, or you require further information, one of our friendly Elite Dental Adelaide team members would be happy to talk you through your questions, and explain our Dentures process.
Based on overall health of your teeth and underlying systematic health, your Doctor can let you know about which type of denture is appropriate for you.
Acrylic or Plastic dentures can be repaired, but metal is …, but your Doctor can design framework to accommodate … teeth if uncertain about prognosis.
At Elite Dental Adelaide we offer two kinds of dentures, partial dentures that can replace one or several missing teeth, or full dentures which can replace the whole set of teeth on the upper or lower jaw. How the denture is kept in place depends on the type of dentures you need.
As a QIP accredited dental practice, we aim to meet every patient’s needs by offering a variety of general and advanced dental treatments. We are a warm and friendly team and we ensure you feel comfortable and safe throughout your experience with us.
We also offer financial plans to help make your Dentures treatment more affordable.
To learn more about our dentures solutions, contact us online or call us on (08) 8132 1124.
Our friendly and knowledgeable team will discuss several different types of dentures treatment options available to help you make an informed decision about your smile.
We can process your health fund claim electronically in our office through HICAPS, so you know the exact rebate and the balance you owe. For larger cases, credit and interest free payment can be organised through a third party or us. We are also for Preferred providers for HCF. We welcome not only BUPA,Medibank,AHM,HBF as Health funds but also larger network of health funds supported by HICAPS.
Other Health funds include Australian Unity, HCF, GMF, nib, Navy Health, Defence Health, Police Health, Manchester Unity, Teachers Federation, AHM, Health Partners, ACA Health, ADF health, ANZ Health, St George Health, Commonwealth Health and all other HICAPS participating Health funds.
We also accept Zip Pay & Zip Money and ACCESS MY SUPER.
At Elite Dental Adelaide we understand that denture costs could be a major issue for most. We do provide various payment plan options and discounts to help you restore your smile and confidence, you just need to ask us. Enter your details in the form and we will send you an estimate cost.
Please note that cost of extraction or repair or add on is excluded. Fixed price given on consultation. This price is an estimate and guide for day to day case.
2020 All rights reserved_ ELITE DENTAL ADELAIDE